


Importance of Moon in Astrology

What is the brightest thing you see above you when you look at the night sky? Yes, it is the Moon or ‘Chanda Mama’ as kids like to call it. This Moon is the natural satellite of our planet earth and takes approximately 27 days to complete one revolution. It is also said to be the reason behind the tides in oceanic water. This is something almost all human beings are aware of, but little do people know that this heavenly object has a major impact on the lives of humans and all living beings on planet earth. This article will focus on the importance and the effects of Moon on the lives of people.

Moon in Vedic Astrology

In Vedic Astrology, Moon is not considered a natural satellite but is referred to as a planet. As the Sun is known as the king of the solar system, Moon is also referred to as the queen of this system. Before India started following the western calendar, Hindus used to celebrate their birthdays when the Moon enters the part of the sign hey were born in. This is how important Moon is in our culture. It is the controller of emotions and feelings depending on the horoscope of the individual. It is said to be the karaka of mother, femininity, beauty, memory and the mind. The nature of Moon is kapha, which implies water. This is the reason it has a beneficial effect on the ascendant of water sign i.e., Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. All the characteristics of human beings relating to intelligence, mental calmness, emotional stability and good behavior are effects of the Moon.

Exalted and Debilitated Moon

The Moon is exalted in Taurus. This implies that if a person is born with the Moon in Taurus, his mind would be calm and steady. This gives rise to a very imaginative and creative personality. The person will be high on intellect and will have a rather soothing personality. When it comes to love, such people are considered romantic. The main characteristic of such people is patience and it is because of this they tend to unearth new hobbies and interests.

The Moon is debilitated in Scorpio. Moon and Scorpio are conflicting planets. Scorpio is considered to be mysterious and magnetic and the Moon is rather motherly, calm and soothing. This is why Moon is debilitated in Scorpio. The person is generally overly sensitive and emotional but prefers to keep everything to himself. Bad at relationships, jealous and negative thoughts in the mind are some of the characteristics of such people. On the good side, such people are generally ambitious, intuitive and they also score high on sensuality.

A transit Moon has a positive effect when it passes over the natal moon in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and the 11th house of the chart. When the moon is present in other houses, the person is bound to face difficulties in life.

Friend and Enemy Planets

The Moon has three friendly planets, the Sun, Jupiter and Mars. Mercury is neutral planets with respect to the Moon. Rahu, Ketu, Venus and Saturn are considered enemy planets of the Moon. When the Moon is in conjunction with friendly planets, it is beneficial for the individual while the opposite is true for enemy planets.

Yogas of Moon

  • Sunafa Yoga

Sunafa Yoga is a very powerful and fortunate yoga which is formed when there are one or more planets (except Rahu, Ketu and Sun) in the 2nd house of the chart.

This yoga is considered auspicious because it grants the person prosperity, intelligence and wealth. This is something the person earns because of his/ her hard work and effort.

  • Anafa Yoga

Anafa Yoga is another very powerful and auspicious yoga. This takes place when there is another planet (except Rahu, Ketu and Sun) in the 12th house of the chart.

With the virtue of this yoga, the person receives great fame and recognition. He is respected by the society and especially by political and bureaucratic authorities. Each planet, in conjunction with moon, gives a special quality to the individual.

  • Durudhara Yoga

Durudhara Yoga is another one of the yogas of moon with a positive outcome. This takes place when there are one or more planets (except Rahu, Ketu and Sun) in both the 2nd as well as the 12th house of the kundli or chart. This means, when Sunafa and Anafa Yoga take place simultaneously, Durushara Yoga is formed.

This yoga brings in all the qualities Sunafa and Anafa Yoga provide to an individual. This makes the person confident, intelligent and wealthy. The person is blessed with success in life by virtue of his hard work. Fame and recognition accompany all of these achievements. The details of this yoga depend on the planets which is present on either side of the Moon

  • Gaja Kesari Yoga

Gaja Kesari Yoga is formed when Moon is in conjunction with Jupiter. This is considered the most auspicious yoga by many experts of the field of astrology.

The Gaja stands for elephant and Kesari means lion. Both the elephant and the lion together depict boldness and courage. Since Jupiter signifies wealth, this yoga brings in ample wealth and prosperity for the individual.

  • Kema Druma Yoga

Kema Druma Yoga is an inauspicious yoga and takes place when there is no planet (except Rahu, Ketu and Sun) on either side of the Moon.

Since the moon has no support from other planets in this yoga, the Moon becomes alone and its effectiveness diminishes. This is considered a misfortune for the individual and he is bound to live a life on loneliness and dissatisfaction during this period. This becomes a difficult time for the individual who’s kundli has this yoga.

All this information about the Moon is like a drop in the vast ocean of Vedic Astrology. Experts of this field are familiar with good as well as the ill effects of Moon on people’s kundli. People on this planet are continuously impacted by the effect of Moon in their kundli. Since the Moon is a fast-moving planet, the good and bad times come and go rather swiftly, but they leave their impression. Secrets of all this lie within our traditional system of Vedic Astrology.

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