


According to Astrology, fifth House is for love and the Karak of this House is Jupiter if your 5th house has negative “planets’ influence” in your Horoscope that can invite troubles in your love life. Make sure, if it is not good then your relationship won’t be successful.

The love horoscope gives you an edge for finding your perfect match or making your current relationship stronger than ever. A Love is a synergy and blends of a few essential factors such as friendship, sexual attraction, intellectual attraction, and finally, love about facial features. Love is the binding element that keeps a relationship strong and solid. Finding and keeping love isn’t easy, but the most valuable things in life are worth fighting for. Every day passing by, the love horoscope guide you from all angles to make a way for enriching and uniting with your spouse. The horoscope also makes you free from the negativities and hurdles and provide you advises to remedies to come out of the crisis. Keeping the relation enthusiastic needs efforts. But horoscope would give you quick inputs according to planetary transitions and place you on right track. The planetary movement would give enough knowledge to have control over emotions and egos which are the elements to be dealt with care in love life. The week of love and it’s day-wise significance has given below.

Week of Love

  1. Rose Day: Friday, February 7th, 2020
  2. Propose Day: Saturday, February 8th, 2020
  3. Chocolate Day: Sunday, February 9th, 2020
  4. Teddy Day: Monday, February 10th, 2020
  5. Promise Day: Tuesday, February 11th, 2020
  6. Hug Day: Wednesday, February 12th, 2020
  7. Kiss Day: Thursday, February 13th, 2020
  8. Valentine’s Day: Friday, February 14th, 2020

The above said days have got a unique significance in love. Every day will carry great loads of possibilities and bring a new fragrance to the lover’s life. As the journey getting closer to the 14th of the February, the things of hitches and glitches will be vanished between the love birds and will be converted to open hands with the warm welcome with new enthusiastic relations. The beginning day to valentine would have the journey like a project of nothing to successful completion, as we know all well that ends well.

ROSE DAY: The rose day is the first day and falls on the 7th of February 2020. Every rose colour has its own identity. The lover’s approach and expression indicate the colour of love. The rose colour is to be decided as per the relation between the lovers on that day. The red rose determines love, romantic, passion and desire. The pink rose expresses the expectance of love approval. The yellow has got an expression of bringing out of the bad situation. The white represents the beginning of the journey towards love.

PROPOSE DAY: The propose day is the second day and falls on the 8th of February 2020. On the Propose Day, you can propose to the girl/boy that you have a dream for. This is a popular day to express love, propose marriage and give gifts like cards or flowers. If you are waiting for the ages to express your love in your college, next door or even in your office on whom you have a dream for quite a long time and never had the guts to say, this is the right day to express your feelings.

CHOCOLATE DAY:  The chocolate day is the third day and falls on the 9th of February 2020. The day is dedicated to the chocolates, Woo your girlfriend or wife/partner with the luring chocolate with a nice card. A warm chocolate dessert is a surefire way to please your partner and it also can increase the desires in the Valentine Week. Its sweetness will surely enhance the charm in your relation.

TEDDY DAY: The teddy day is the fourth day and falls on the 10th of February 2020. Time for you to send a teddy that ‘bears’ your love to your wife/partner, friends, and loved ones. Women like a teddy bear very much, and they always keep them in their bedroom with good memories. So, Don’t forget to tickle your partner with a soft toy.

PROMISE DAY: The promise day is the fifth day and falls on the 11th of February 2020. Love comes with a lot of responsibilities, commitments & promises. Make some new promises and try to fulfil old ones to concrete your relationship. “Promise little and do much.” No one likes promises, but sometimes you have to make a promise to cement your relationship. Because love is all about trust and care.

HUG DAY: The hug day is the sixth day and falls on the 12th  of February 2020. Hug your partner or friend tightly. Hugs are an important expression of affection. Just take it slow and steady and show your partner that you love, care and support him/her.

KISS DAY: The kiss day is the seventh day and falls on the 13th of February 2020. Kiss’ Day is a day of the gateway to a new horizon of Valentine’s week, kiss your girlfriend or someone passionately to express your love. And don’t forget to eat some mouth freshener.

VALENTINE DAY: The valentine day is the eighth day and falls on 14th  of February 2020. Here we come to the special day, Valentine Day, End of the Valentine Week. Show your love to your partner, spend time with them. Eat, Drink and do you want to do to make them happy. Make this special day a memorable moment of your life. Express yourself by presenting flowers, cakes and sweets.

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